Border Security
Despite spending countless taxpayer dollars for border security, the federal government has failed to uphold one of its most sacred duties—securing the border with Mexico. The southern border has become a lawless zone run by dangerous cartels flooding Texas with illegal drugs and gang activity. These cartels are a danger to our communities. Texas must step up and do the work the federal government has failed to do.
- Fully fund State Troopers and the Texas National Guard
- Demand the Federal Government fully refund Texas taxpayers for Texas Border Security expenditures
- No Sanctuary Cities
- Build the Wall

Second Amendment
The federal government shall not infringe the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. The far left is committed to using government force to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. I am proud to be endorsed by Gun Owners of America, and I will never compromise in defense of our 2nd Amendment rights.

Right to Life
Every individual is precious and created in God’s image. We must always protect innocent life, born and unborn. And our tax dollars should never fund any entity or organization involved with abortion. I am proud to be endorsed by Texas Right to Life, and I will proudly defend the unborn as your State Senator.

Election Integrity
Without confidence in our elections, consent of the governed is impossible. Liberal activists in Washington, DC are pushing to strip Texas of its Constitutional power to conduct fair and honest elections. They want to ban Voter ID and prevent local counties from removing ineligible voters from voter rolls. Texas must reject the attempted federal takeover of our elections and always require a valid photo ID to vote. In Texas, we must continue to make it easy to vote and harder to cheat.

Jobs and The Economy
As a small business owner, I understand that government does not create jobs, but too much government does eliminate jobs. I’ll use my business experience to eliminate waste and inefficiencies in state government. Texas is blessed with abundant natural resources and hardworking men and women who simply want the government to get out of their way. The formula is simple: lower taxes, fewer regulations, less spending, and more money in Texans’ pockets.